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NBA SDQL Query Access Your query timeout is 15 seconds.

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Query Fundamentals:

  A query consists of one or more clauses joined by and or or.



The query:
50 < Kobe Bryant:points and site=away
returns home games where Kobe Bryant scored more than 50 points on the road.

If no player is given then results for the team are checked. E.g.
120<Bulls:points and site=home
returns games in which the Bulls scored more than 120 points at home.
returns games when the team scored fewer than 60 points.

If no conditional is imposed then the results are grouped by the reference.
returns games grouped by all occurrences of points.

Multiple conditions can be imposed using a comma delimited format.
points < 90,100,110
gives results grouped by points < 90, points < 100, and points < 110.

You can comma-group on both sides of the inequality as per:
70,80,90,100 < points < 90,100,110

Game Reference:

  p => team's previous game
op => opp's previous game
P => previous match up
n => team's next game
on => opp's next game
N => next match up


   The query:
P:points < 80 and PP:points < 80
returns games where team scored fewer than 80 point the past two head-to-head match ups

The query:
2*P:points in the paint < Po:points in the paint
returns games in which the team was outscored in the paint by a factor of 2 in their previous match up.

Adding a condition on season restricts this query to same season match ups:
2*P:points in the paint < Po:points in the paint and P:season=season
returns games in which the team was outscored in the paint by a factor of 2 in their previous same season match up.


   The query:
0.25*p:points<=p:fast break points and po:points<p:points
returns games with a team off a win in which they scored at least 25% of their points from fast breaks.

Short Cuts:

H, A, W, L, F, D, O, U, C are short cuts for home, away, win, loss, favorite, dog, over the total,under the total, and conference. As with the parameter prefixes, these can be strung together without limit.


The query:
HF and p:HFL and pp:HFL
returns home favorites after they just lost as home favorites their last two games.

The query:
P:O and P2:O and P3:O and P4:O and P5:O and P6:O
returns games where teams have gone over the total their last six matchups.

In addition to the above single letter short cuts the following abbreviations are available:

AASB - after the all star break
ATSL - against the spread loss
ATSW - against the spread win
AST - assists
ATR - assist to turnover ratio
AWP - Away Winning Percentage
BAP - Baskets Assisted percentage
BASB - before the all star break
DDS - Double Digit Scorers
DRB - Defensive Rebounds
FBP - fast break points
FGA - field goals attempted
FGM - field goals made
FGP - field goal percentage
FTA - free throws attempted
FTM - free throws made
FTP - free throw percentage
HWP - Home Winning Percentage
LSP - Leading Scorers Points
M1 - margin after the first
M2 - margin at the half
M3 - margin after the third
ORB - Offensive Rebounds
P1 - points in the first
P2 - points in the second
P3 - points in the third
P4 - points in the fourth
PIP - points in the paint
PM - plus / minus (player level parameter)
PFT - percentage of points from free throws
PTP - percentage of points from three pointers
RB - Rebounds
S1 - points in the first
S2 - total points after the second
S3 - total points after the third
TO - turnovers
TPA - three pointers attempted
TPM - three pointers made
TPP - three point percentage
TT - Times Tied
WP - team winning percentage


The information available here is believed, but not guaranteed, to be accurate, is for recreational purposes only, and is not intended to violate any state, local, or federal laws.