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We're having trouble interpreting your SDQL
You are welcome to post it at the Discord group with a thorough, concise explanation of
what you are trying to do.
Query Fundamentals
For more detailed information on SDQL including manuals and videos go HERE
The syntax for access to the NBA team data is: game
reference:parameter. To see the date, team, and opponent where the team scored
+120 points after scoring +120 runs in the previous game use the SDQL:
date,team,o:team@points>120 and p:points>120
The syntax for access to
the NBA player data:
[team:]player name:game reference:parameter. To see the date, team, opponent and
number of points by Kobe Bryant in the game after he scored more than 30 use the
SDQL: date,team,o:team,Kobe Bryant:points@Kobe Bryant:p:points>30
Query Fundamentals:
A query consists of one or more clauses joined by and or or.
The query:
50 < Kobe Bryant : points
site = away
The explain:
returns home games where Kobe Bryant scored more than 50 points on the road
If no player is given then results for the team are checked. E.g.
The query:
120 < Bulls : points
site = home
returns games in which the Bulls scored more than 120 points at home
points < 60
returns games when the team scored fewer than 60 points
Multiple conditions can be imposed using a comma delimited format.
points < 90,100,110
gives results grouped by points < 90, points < 100, and points < 110
You can comma-group on both sides of the inequality as per:
70,80,90,100 < points < 90,100,110
Game Reference
p :
team's previous game
N :
next match up
on :
opponent's next game
P :
previous match up
S :
starter's previous match up start
n :
team's next game
s :
starter's previous start
op :
opponent's previous game
The query:
100 < t:rushing yards
to:rushing yards < 100
The explain:
Use this SDQL to see how teams do when rushing for more than 100 yards while holding their opponent to few than 100 yards
Queryable Fields
The query:
40 < p:points
40 < p2:points
40 < p3:points
40 < p4:points
Use this SDQL to see how teams do after scoring more than 40 points their last four games
2*P:points in the paint < Po:points in the paint
P:season = season
return games in which the team was outscored in the paint by a factor of 2 in their previous match up
The query:
0.25*p:points<=p:fast break points
The explain:
return games with a team off a win in which they scored at least 25% of their points from fast breaks
Short Cuts
H, A, W, L, F, D, O, U, C, X are short cuts for
home,away,win,loss,favorite,dog,over the total,under the total, and conference.
As with the parameter prefixes, these can be strung together without limit.
The query:
The explain:
returns home favorites after they just lost as home
favorites their last two games
The explain:
returns games where teams have gone over the total their
last six matchups
In addition to the above single letter short cuts the
following abbreviations are available:
· AASB - after the all star break · AST - assists · ATR - assist to turnover ratio · ATSL - against the spread loss · ATSW - against the spread win · AWP - Away Winning Percentage · BAP - Baskets Assisted percentage · BASB - before the all star break · BL - biggest lead · DAY - day game (start time<1700) · DDS - Double Digit Scorers · DRB - Defensive Rebounds · FBP - fast break points · FGA - field goals attempted · FGM - field goals made · FGP - field goal percentage · FTA - free throws attempted · FTM - free throws made · FTP - free throw percentage · HWP - Home Winning Percentage · LC - lead changes · LSP - Leading Scorers Points · M1 - margin after the first · M2 - margin at the half · M3 - margin after the third · NGT - night game (start time>=1700) · ORB - Offensive Rebounds · OT - overtime · P1 - points in the first · P2 - points in the second · P3 - points in the third · P4 - points in the fourth · PFT - percentage of points from free throws · PIP - points in the paint · PM - plus / minus (player level parameter) · PTP - percentage of points from three pointers · RB - Rebounds · REG - regular season · S1 - points in the first · S2 - total points after the second · S3 - total points after the third · SG - series game · TO - turnovers · TOM - turnover margin · TPA - three pointers attempted · TPM - three pointers made · TPP - three point percentage · TT - Times Tied · WP - team winning percentage
NBA Trend Builder
For a more detailed review of how to use the Trend Builder, go HERE
NBA Field Options
Queryable Fields
SimpleSearch Tips
Tips on Asking Questions:
1.) Commas save lives: Lets eat, grandma. Lets eat grandma. Two very different things. Use of commas:
Houston when not a dog coming off a home game
This means Houston is neither a dog nor coming off a home game.
Houston when not a dog, coming off a home game
This means Houston is not a dog and is coming off a home game.
2.) Be precise, literal, and don't assume.
How have the Bengals have done after having won 4 of their last 5 games?
This means how have the Bengals done after having won exactly 4 of their last 5 games. If they won 5 of their last 5 those instances would not appear in your results. If you want know how the Bengals have done after having won AT LEAST 4 of their last 5 games, specify it.
3.) Try to write proper English in a tangible complete sentence.
If you misspell words or don't articulate yourself clearly you're increasing the chances that you won't be understood or get the answer you're looking for. Don't hesitate to ask a question in our Discord Community if you're unsure.
1.) We've tested the language learning model to be over 95% accurate at translating English, especially for simpler inquiries, and with its machine learning algorithms
it will only continue to improve. Be aware that SimpleSearch may not understand you or properly translate 100% of the time dependent upon how articulate and concise your question is.
Give your search results a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down to help it learn. If you don't think it gave you the right answer, let it know. Conversely, if it looks correct, also let it know.
2.) SimpleSearch is not trained on player specific queries, yet.
3.) SDQL itself currently still provides more versatility for detailed searches like open ended queries, list searches, and custom table queries.
4.) SimpleSearch is currently available for NFL and NBA and we are actively working to expand its availability to all other sports.