Getting Started with SDQL

Sports Data Query Language (SDQL) is the code used to query our sports databases. It is for sports enthusiasts, fantasy league players, sports media, and both professional and amateur handicappers. It is similar to SQL programming language but with our unique sports data fields and short cuts. It allows anyone to investigate past sports results. Users can isolate literally billions of interesting situations.

Introduction to SDQL

How to Learn More About SDQL:

1) Download the Query Manuals for a complete description of the SDQL. There are currently 5 query manuals; a Beginner Intro Manual, one for the NFL, one for the NBA, and one for Major League Baseball. These are available HERE.

2) Go to our SDQL Query page HERE and for each sport tab there will be a variety of info links near the top; Game Parameters, How To Query, Query Fundamentals, Short Cuts, Customize Fields, etc.

3) Go to our YouTube page and review videos at SDQL University.

4) Get familiar with our Trend Builder.

5) Join our Discord Community to learn from others and to ask SDQL questions.

6) Follow us on Twitter where we post various SDQL trends.

7) Use our AI Trend Vault which lists hundreds of SDQL queries each day and their English equivalents.
