Using the TrendBuilder

Introduction to Trend Building

The Trend Builder has been developed by KillerSports to help newer users run queries without knowing the Sports Data Query Language (SDQL) and to make learning SDQL easier. Research situations and analyze millions of data points with no programming language experience. See the Help Menu on the Trend Builder page for procedural instructions as well as the Tutorial Video and Detailed Video Examples.

Access the Trend Builder for all sports tabs HERE.

Example NBA Build
Example NFL Build

On the SDQL query screen you'll find the Trend Builder option just above the query field (see below):


This will bring up the following screen allowing you to select a description for each parameter and data field you're looking to enter:


EXAMPLE: Lets say you want to query, "How do road favorites do when they're coming off an upset loss as a favorite?" The key variables here are;

  • Road
  • Favorite
  • Previous game loss
  • Previous game favorite

One always starts by selecting the data field for each variable and then specifying the parameters -

  • Field Qualifier) if other than current game - default
  • Rule) being greater than, equal to, or less than the value
  • Filter Value)

So in this example one would start with identifying the first variable, which is that it's a road game. One would set the Data Field to "Site", set the Rule to "=", and set the Filter Value to "away". When complete one would click the Add button, and that portion of the query would automatically get entered into the query screen in the corresponding SDQL:


Then one would repeat this process for each of the 3 remaining variables;

  • To designate the team being a favorite one would select Data Field = line, Rule is less than <, and Filter Value = 0. This identifies all spreads less than zero which are favorites. Then click the Add button.
  • To designate the team having lost their previous game one would select Data Field = margin, Qualifier is for the previous game, Rule is less than <, and Filter Value is 0. This means their previous game margin was less than zero, meaning they lost their previous game. Then click the Add button.
  • To designate the team having been a favorite in their previous game one would select Data Field = line, Qualifier is for the previous game, Rule is less than <, and Filter Value is 0. This means the line on the previous game was less than zero indicating they were a favorite. Then click the Add button.
  • When complete then press the SDQL! Button next to the query box and the historical results will show along with upcoming matches.