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Your Research Inventory: Spread (ATS) - 43 | Over/Under (OU) - 16 | Moneyline (SU) - 0

 showing 1-5 of 5 
P val Type Play Focus Record Profit ROI Power Rating Research Description SDQL
0.00000734 ATS ON League-Wide 301-203 (59.7%) $7,770 14.0% - On medium to large road favs revenging an upset home loss vs opp
0.00002650 ATS ON League-Wide 464-348 (57.1%) $8,120 9.1% - On teams revenging an embarrassing loss and coming off a loss
0.00005501 ATS ON League-Wide 477-364 (56.7%) $7,660 8.3% - On road favs off a loss now playing an opp off an upset win
0.00266982 ATS AGST League-Wide 154-108 (58.8%) $3,520 12.2% - In close spread games (+/- 3 points), against a team with same season road revenge, vs a team off a 20+ point home win
0.00389997 ATS AGST League-Wide 105-69 (60.3%) $2,910 15.2% - Against a road favorite off a narrow one bucket win as a road favorite, now playing a team off a loss